
Said Mahran Passage Analysis

Chapter 7: "To kill them both  —  Nabawiyya and Ilish  — at the same time would be a triumph. Eve better would be to settle with Rauf Ilwan, too, then escape, go abroad if possible. But who'll look after Sana? The thorn by my side. You always act impulsively, Said, without thinking, but you mustn't rush this time; you must wait until you've arranged things, then swoop like an eagle. But there's no point in delay either; you're a hunted man —you became a hunted man as soon as they knew you were coming out —and now, after the car incident, the search will be intensified. Only a few pounds in the wallet of the factory owner's son —another stroke of bad luck. If you don't strike soon everything will collapse. Who'll look after Sana, though? That thorn again. She rejected me but I still love her. Should I spare your unfaithful mother for our sake then? I must find the answer right away.  Analysis: This passage reveals that Said is not a mindless b...


The novel The Thief and the Dogs, written by Egyptian author Naguib Mahfouz is a novel which is celebrated for its use stream of consciousness. The novel follows the life of Said Mahran, a thief released from prison and corrupted by malicious intent to exact revenge on the people who betrayed him. This novel was published in 1961, post Egyptian Revolution and Said struggles to cope with the conflict he experiences when exacting revenge on his enemies and adapting to the new society. These struggles can be followed by the reader through Mahfouz's use of the stream of consciousness technique. This technique is used because it helps the reader to understand Said's emotions and internal conflict and why Said commits the notorious actions that he does and which allows readers empathize with him. The stream of consciousness technique is used in this novel through the present events which unfold which connect to a past experience, flashbacks and unfiltered narration. This technique...

Texts In Translation

Translation in literature is the process of translating literary works through a precise way to convey the same message as the original. However translations are difficult as there are certain grammatical differences and syntax in some languages which are different and/or don't necessarily exist in other languages. Therefore translations while precise can also be creative to try and convey a message which is accurate but also meaningful and open to interpretation. Text C ( What makes a good literary translator?) explored the challenges and advantages associated with translating a literary work through the perspective of professional translators. In the interview, Ted Hodgkinson asked Daniel Hahn; director of the British Centre for Literary Translation and Fahmida Riaz questions about what makes translations unique and what are some difficulties in translating a text. The translators claimed that every word, phrase and even syllable changes in translation. Daniel Hahn claimed tha...

Single Parents and Non-Marital Births

How could the text be read and interpreted differently by two different readers? The news article titled "For women under 30, most births occur outside of marriage" was an article which highlights the phenomenon of non-marital births and single parenting within the United States. In news media, the information communicated can vary between each individual depending on the context of a reader and their ideologies. In this article, textual bias is evident to demonstrate the author's negative notions towards single parenting and having children before or without marriage. This is evident through the author's choice of diction of words with negative connotations such as illegitimacy and normal being used in the same sentence to show frustration towards the topic. An individual with a traditional ideology of having kids after marriage and opposed to the idea of single parenting would resonate with this text. On the contrary, individuals with a feminist ideology will rea...

IOC Passages-Style Analysis

Chapter 1: So the beginning of this was a woman and she had come back from burying the dead. Not the dead of sick and ailing with friends at the pillow and the feet. She had come back from the sodden and the bloated; the sudden dead, their eyes flung wide open in judgment. The people all saw her come because it was sundown. The sun was gone, but he had left his footprints in the sky. It was the time for sitting on porches beside the road. It was the time to hear things and talk. These sitters had been tongueless, earless, eyeless conveniences all day long. Mules and other brutes had occupied their skins. But now, the sun and the bossman were gone, so the skins felt powerful and human. Chapter 2: "Look at me, Janie. Don't set dere wid yo' head hung down. Look at yo' ole grandma!" Her voice began snagging on the prongs of her feelings. "Ah don't want to be talkin' to you lak dis. Fact is Ah done been on mah knees to mah Maker many...

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

This is Water written by David Foster Wallace was a commencement speech which encapsulates and emphasizes the importance of recognizing and understanding various perspectives, particularly in situations that usually induce frustration and anger. He stresses the issue of being self-aware in our surroundings; to take an honest view of the world around us instead of centering and putting ourselves in front of everyone else's emotions and thoughts. The ability to understand and be aware of a person's thoughts and emotions and to control your own expression of emotions is called emotional intelligence. Having a higher emotional intelligence enables you to show more empathy for people in various situations.  Empathy is the ability to understand and share feelings with a person. In the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God written by Zora Neale Hurston, readers are able to empathize with Nanny's decision in trying to ensure that Janie obtains financial security through marriage....

TFA: Thesis Statements

Prompt:  The personal history of an author can have a significant influence on the way meaning is constructed in his/her writing. Comment on specific instances in response  to the prompt.  Chinua Achebe is a descendant of the Igbo people howbeit he is a Christian and has been brought up with both Western and Igbo values due to colonial rule. His novel " Things Fall Apart" was written in 1958, two years prior to Nigerian Independence from British colonial rule. However this novel is set during the time of the first involvements of British rule in Nigeria and the initial stages of colonialism. Achebe uses his personal history to allow him to discuss historical context and  to tie him to his cultural roots, to create a book which presents early life before colonial rule. This is done to provide a new insight into colonialism and to show that the British had assimilated the Igbo people's culture, however due to Achebe's duality in being both an Igbo descendant...