Said Mahran Passage Analysis
Chapter 7:
"To kill them both — Nabawiyya and Ilish — at the same time would be a triumph. Eve better would be to settle with Rauf Ilwan, too, then escape, go abroad if possible. But who'll look after Sana? The thorn by my side. You always act impulsively, Said, without thinking, but you mustn't rush this time; you must wait until you've arranged things, then swoop like an eagle. But there's no point in delay either; you're a hunted man—you became a hunted man as soon as they knew you were coming out—and now, after the car incident, the search will be intensified. Only a few pounds in the wallet of the factory owner's son—another stroke of bad luck. If you don't strike soon everything will collapse. Who'll look after Sana, though? That thorn again. She rejected me but I still love her. Should I spare your unfaithful mother for our sake then? I must find the answer right away.
This passage reveals that Said is not a mindless brute that lacks emotion, rather it displays a softer and empathetic side of him because it shows him having concern for his daughter's safety and well-being. Through the use of internal monologue the readers are able to see Said's thoughts which also helps the readers to understand why he is pursuing this path of revenge. This monologue shows that Said wants to kill the traitors; Nabawiyya, Ilish and Rauf but his deep parental love for Sana creates internal conflict where Said has to decide whether to spare Nabawiyya for the sake of his daughter. This passage also reveals that Said is reflective and intelligent because Said states that he "always acts impulsively" however due to the circumstances he has to be calculative and patient.
The internalized thought of thinking about what will happen to Sana is important as it questions his judgement on killing his enemies. By referring to this thought as a "thorn by my side" it reveals that this thought is troubling and painful for Said. Additionally it could indicate that the only way to relieve this pain is to spare Nabawiyya. This idea is seemingly contrasted when Said realises that after the car incident the search for him has intensified and in Said's mind, the only way to avoid this conflict is to kill his traitors, implying that he is gradually losing control of his thoughts and emotions.
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