MLK's intended audience through his speech " I have a dream" are the African- American community but more specifically those that are living through oppression, suffering from segregation and discrimination, and whom are living in poverty. MLK tries to persuade the African American Community to continue to fight even if the nation goes into turmoil and to only stop fighting once the black society has gained racial equality and justice. In addition, MLK tries to spread hope to his fellow African - Americans by intensifying their frustration and anger to provide a sense of empowerment, in the hopes of advocating and creating change in the American Society. MLK often uses metaphors and anaphoras to enrich his persuasion. His expressive choice of phrases such as " chains of discrimination" and "let freedom ring" are examples of rhetorical devices which were used throughout this speech. His style directly correlates to the racial tensions which occurred ...
My interests include playing many different sports but my favourite sport is soccer. I love listening to different styles of music especially rap, hip-hop and punk rock. My hobbies include collecting badges and patches. Language plays an important role in my life because my mother tongue is Tamil and often my parents talk to me in Tamil and since this is my mother tongue I feel that it is important to be able to speak it since it ties me more to my cultural heritage. Its also the easiest way for me to express myself and feelings. I think that it is important to study language because I belief that you should have a better understanding of the language you are speaking and because language is the most common and widespread form of communication and yet I personally don't know much about how important and powerful language can be. I haven't felt excluded due to language barriers because even in Malaysia I was still speaking English with my parents and went to an English me...
Pop/ popular culture is a term which describes the lifestyle, ideas and tastes among a culture, specifically Western culture and it is predominantly apart of the younger society ( adolescents and young adults ). Despite the media’s ability to communicate and express information and ideas it also influences and creates pop culture, and through our study of pop culture, we can construct a deeper understanding of the media. There are four core concepts in media analysis; Media messages are constructed using creative techniques, but the construction process is invisible to viewers, readers, and listeners. This is statement is especially true in our society. As viewers of advertisements, we only see the final product but we do not see how an advertisement is produced. This can also be related to how the media shapes pop culture into what it wants it to be for the best attraction and it may be a false pretense of what the original pop culture actually is. For example, in the docum...
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