Target Audience

Through the image manipulation portrayed from this advertisement, it creates a powerful appeal to prominence and attention due to the use of diction “ Men talk about women, sports and cars. Women talk about men inside sports cars”. The manufacturer of this car Mercedes - Benz is also highly reputable for producing high-end luxury cars and consumers knowing of that reputation are more inclined to buy this car to possibly satisfy their desire of owning a sports car and to gain respect, social status and attention. In addition, this ad also evokes a sense of escape due to the serene background which leaves viewers with a sense of wonder. The diction used is also targeted towards  men and more specifically, appealing to men that are in need of prominence and attention. Additionally it persuades men to buy this car despite possible financial issues because it appeals to a man's desire to be recognised by a woman and to spark an attraction between a woman and man driving this vehicle. This advert also concerts an appeal to pathos because it tries to tempt men into purchasing this car, in order to satisfy their own desires of attracting a women or to own a luxury car. However this ad could also appeal to ethos as Mercedes - Benz is a brand known for their luxury cars and pairing this vehicle in conjunction with the diction, could further influence men to buy this car. Branching from the information mentioned, this advertisement evokes values of men that would like to better their image in society and to be recognised by women in the hopes of attracting them.


  1. Very good blog Sury! I like your analysis as you didnt just state what the appeal is but also explained it. I like how you used specific evidence to justify why you think it was "the appeal to prominence". I also like how you also identified it could be multiple appeals such as "the appeal to escape" and "the appeal for desire". Good analysis. I believe your analysis is correct. the point you did and the context you put in the blog was good! Great post mate!

  2. Very blog post! Like Rainier said, you went into a lot of specific evidence to support and justify all your claims which created a very effective and reliable analysis.


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